General Liability Insurance: indoors or outdoors, from player clinics to tournament games, from pre-season fund raisers to post-season awards banquets, from field opening to field closing, SAY has teamed up with K&K Insurance to bring your Area and Districts $2,000,000 Commercial General Liability Insurance Policy which insures those involved in organizing or administrating any SAY sanctioned event. Those covered include administrators, referees, coaches, field maintenance workers, concession stand workers and other volunteers for bodily injury and property damage alleged to be caused by their negligence.
You can review SAY's Accident Insurance Plan Summary and Liability Insurance Program Summary.There are also additional insurance policies that can be purchased for an individual (Catastrophic Injury Coverage) or for a District or SAYArea (Directors and Officers Coverage, Crime Insurance Plan or an Equipment Insurance Plan).
SAY Soccer 11490 Springfield Pike Cincinnati, Ohio 45246
: 800-233-7291
: [email protected]