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Recommended Referee Qualifications

These qualifications are determined by the SNRRC, SAY's National Rules and Referee Committee. If you have a specific rule question you can email your question to [email protected]

Attention All Referee Supervisors:

The SAY National Referee and Rules Committee (SNRRC) has considered what would be appropriate for each level, and herewith communicates its recommendations to you. The operative word here is recommendations . The Districts and Areas have complete control over assignment of grade levels to referees, and may use any criteria they choose to make decisions. However, SNRRC anticipates that there will be many that will ask for guidelines, and those shown below reflect the committee's best judgment.

Any questions about these guidelines or referee qualifications, please contact the SAY National Office at 800-233-7291 

SAY Referee Badge Levels 

The SAY National Referee and Rules Committee (SNRRC) has established the following three Referee levels for use in the SAY Soccer program:

  • SAY Referee
  •  SAY Certified Referee
  •  SAY National Referee

The appropriate SAY Referee Badge will be issued to the Referee upon successful completion of the criteria defined for the specific Referee Level.  The National Referee badge will display the current year, while all other Badge levels will not display a year. 

SAY Referee and SAY Certified Referee Level Training and Development Guidelines

The SNRRC hereby recommends the following guidelines for use in training and growing SAY Referees for your SAYArea/District.  The operative word is recommends.  As part of SNRRC’s “Reasonable Flexibility” stance, SAYAreas/Districts may develop Referee training and retention/recertification programs using any combination of the guidelines listed below.  The guidelines are designed to provide the basic framework for a Referee program and can be shaped to the SAYArea/District’s needs and capabilities as desired.

The chart below illustrates what is Required and Recommended for each level of SAY Referee.  We recommend printing the chart and using it as a checklist for the items desired as part of a local Referee Training program.  The Chart Legend is below:

The following is an example scenario using all three of the above guidelines:

The local SAYArea requires that an Entry Level Referee trainee

  1. Must provide a copy of their current Concussion Training and SafeSport Training Certificates of Completion documents
  2. Attend and complete a four-hour Local On-Line training class and an Outdoor session
  3. Pass the Entry Level (EL) test with a score of 66%. 

However, some of the trainees do not pass the SAY Entry Level exam, having scores of 60, 62 and 64 respectively.  Most of the missed questions concern Law 11 – Offside.  After review by the SAY Referee Trainer, the SAYArea decides to allow the trainee to become a SAY Referee and restricts the new Referee to 8U (Passers) level games for their first season.   The SAYArea also requires the new Referee to take a maintenance course or re-attend the Entry Level Referee Training session the next time it is offered.

This would be considered as an acceptable solution for the given example.

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SAY National Referee Level Training and Development Guidelines

Click here to access the National Referee Badge application. 


SAY Soccer 11490 Springfield Pike 
Cincinnati, Ohio 45246

: 800-233-7291

: [email protected]